6 Valuable Things That All Moms Need for a Carefree & Balanced Life
In this world of motherhood, there are a few things that all moms need, whether you are a newbie or a more experienced mom.
Certain situations in life require specific things to run smoothly and be a success. For example, going to the movies is incomplete without the popcorn and drinks. Don’t get me wrong, you can watch the movie without them, but the experience won’t feel the same. Motherhood is no different. You can go without some things, but others are non-negotiable.
Unfortunately, I don’t have any tangible items to recommend, but these valuable points are far more meaningful than anything materialistic. Let me not waste your time; I have 6 valuable things that all moms need I would like to share with you for your journey.
This post is all about things that all moms need.
Things Moms Need For Themselves
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1. Guidance from God
Seeking direction from God should be the number one thing required for motherhood. It’s only fitting to ask advice from the one who created you and your child. He wants to help you, but you have to ask. Keep it real, and be honest with what you need help with and which direction to go.
God will provide clarity and understanding as you continue to walk with him in these stages of motherhood. Trust me; he knows how difficult and stressful caring for another human can be on top of trying to take care of yourself. You are qualified and equipped to take on the responsibilities of being a mother.
Being a mother is not easy but rewarding. If you haven’t heard this today, I want you to know that you are a great mother and do a phenomenal job raising your kid(s). Your hard work and determination don’t go unnoticed.
Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.
– proverbs 22:6
2. Faith and Patience
Faith and patience go together like peanut butter and jelly on a sandwich. Motherhood can sometimes be like a rollercoaster. There are moments when you want to stay on the ride and do the twists and drops you freakishly anticipate or the times you wish God would hurry up and get you off the ride.
In either scenario, you need faith to believe your situation will improve if it’s not the best; if you are at your most excellent, you trust there is more to look forward to. To tie this all together, you will need the patience to wait for what you believe and pray for. I hope that this makes sense to you. Never stop keeping the faith.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
– Romans 12:12
3. Mommy Hide-Out
Creating a mommy hide-out may sound selfish, but sometimes being selfish is the best self-care. As a mother, you need a break; whether mental, emotional, or physical, you require it. Your hide-out doesn’t have to be extravagant; it could be the kitchen pantry, an empty closet in the hallway, or your car.
If you want to make a she-shed, it’s up to you. Make sure these places are suitable for snacks because if it’s a tasty one or the last one, we don’t want to share, lol; or am I just speaking for myself???
The hide-out is great for confessionals when you need to let off some steam, as I stated before, mommy snack time, or even for a little nap (depending on how tired you are). I know you love your kid(s), but sometimes you have to slip away and get yourself together; this could help you navigate more peacefully throughout your day.
For the mommies who are being truthful about hiding snacks from the kids lol, I have a short video that shows how you can do it in plain sight if you can’t make it to your hide-out. <side eyes everyone else>
Related Post: Stress Relievers for Moms: Simple Strategies for a Happier Healthier You
4. Mom Tribe
It’s always great to know you have friends you can depend on. What’s even better is that some of those friends are also mothers. Having a group of friends who are mothers makes life just a little easier and exudes comfort.
It’s a reminder you are not on this motherhood journey alone.
Ain’t no hood like motherhood.
– Unknown
I want to be clear that your mom tribe doesn’t have to include only your friends but also your mother and other family members. Every single person can add value in some way.
Age doesn’t always equate to having more wisdom, so if you are a younger mom, don’t discredit yourself from giving advice.
BTW…Being in a mom tribe is not limited to discussing or doing mom stuff.
You can plan trips for a momcation, wine tasting, or a sip and paint. The choice is yours and depends on if others would want to participate. Motherhood is a blessing. If you have a mom tribe, please cherish it.
Behind every great mom is a tribe of other great moms who have her back.
– Unknown
5. Sense of Humor
Have you ever heard this saying, “I had to laugh to keep from crying?” I’m sure one or two parents, including myself, can attest to this quote. That moment your baby puts Vaseline all over their head and baby powder everywhere, you can’t help but laugh because of how cute they look.
Even though deep down you are livid cause you have to clean all this crap up. Make the most of life and motherhood. Laughter is good for the soul.
Let your kids see that mommy is not a robot and that she has a goofy side as well. You want your kids to have that balance with you; you can be silly and fun, but you stand on business when the time permits.
Being able to be both for your kid(s) will make them feel more comfortable talking and being open and honest with you. Get out of your own way, and don’t take life too seriously.
To laugh at yourself is to love yourself.
– Mickey Mouse
6. Be Willing to Accept Help
As mothers, we sometimes want to be superwomen and handle everything independently, but we must understand when to put the cape down. There are people in your life who desire to be a helping hand. You must know when to rest to be your best for yourself and others.
Take advantage and go on your mommy breaks. BUT……Be careful who you allow in your children’s space. Some people come across as lovely but may not be fit to watch your kid(s)(this goes for family and friends).
Also, when accepting help, be open to doing things differently if it benefits you and your child. I know it’s easy to get stuck in a routine and think your way is always the best; let’s not be stubborn here. Let’s be honest; sometimes, we can miss the message because we don’t like the messenger, lol. They could be dropping all types of gems and nuggets, but you can’t just put aside your differences.
Look past them and focus on how the solution can help ease the chaos in your world. If you have the time, also be that person for someone else. No good deed goes unnoticed. We are in this together, even when circumstances make us seem alone.
In Conclusion
Thank you for reading these 6 Valuable Things All Moms Need. These motherhood pointers can make a huge difference in your life if you apply them. Please don’t be stingy and share them with other mothers as well.
What is one of the valuable things all moms need that you resonated with the most? One last question: am I the only one with a mommy hide-out for my snacks lol? Comment down below
This is extremely good advice! I feel that every mother should read this and heed the input you’ve provided. I am almost done raising all of my kids, but that doesn’t mean my job is done. But it’s hard to transition, that’s for sure.
Thank you so much for reading the post! Glad I could provide some advice. Yep the job is never done, we are always learning something new about ourselves and our kids.