
10 + Life-Changing TED Talks on Self-Love for Personal Growth

If you are on a journey to self-love, these 10+ empowering TED Talks on Self-Love are perfect for you to binge-watch to help you grow.

Ted Talks On Self-Love

What are TED Talks?

TED Talks are informative presentations that educate and inspire people on a particular topic they are interested in. These engaging discussions can help elevate and transform your life. 

I hope the insightful viewpoints and inspiring stories from these TED Talks on Self-Love help you embrace and nurture a positive relationship with yourself.

This post is all about TED Talks on Self-Love that help with personal growth.

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TED Talks Topic

1. Self-Love, Be Intentional | Caitlyn Roux | TEDxYouth@CapeTown

In this video, Caitlyn speaks about being intentional with your life. Whether it’s removing unhealthy people from your life or staying away from environments that don’t suit you, be deliberate. Find love within yourself and never go seeking validation through others. Make a conscious effort to be a better you! 

We can’t handle the life around us if we don’t love ourselves enough to change what’s needed.

Caitlyn Roux

2. My Journey to Self-Love | Dr. Andrea Pennington | TEDxPeterborough

In this video, Dr. Andrea explains her upbringing and how her parents, specifically her Dad, disapproved of the direction she was taking her life. I do not want to give away too much because there is more to learn from Dr. Andrea. Listen to yourself and what you need, not what others think you need.

You are more than what people see for you. You should never limit what you can be and all you can do. Live your Diamond Life (explained in the video).

No matter the drama and trauma we endure or the karma we accumulate. At our core, we are pure and truly loveable and deserve to be celebrated for our uniqueness. 

Dr. Andrea Pennington

3. I Searched 4 It Blinded: The Power of Self-Love and Self-Esteem | Caira Lee | TEDxSHHS

In this video, Caira speaks on believing in yourself. Loving yourself enough to look in the mirror once a week and say these words, “I am the most important person in the world to me. I accept that person, I admire that person, and I will do everything in my power to see that person’s dreams come true.” You are enough! This video has more great things to share.

Radical self-love is the lifelong commitment to the belief that your body, size, race,  and sexual orientation are assets that don’t need fixing yet are advantages to build your life around and capitalize on it.

Caira Lee

4. How to Love Yourself to the Core | Jen Oliver | TEDx Windsor

In this video, Jen expresses that your worth comes from within, not outside sources. Stop people-pleasing! Live life with gratitude and continuously stay positive. Jen also goes into great detail about health & motherhood, and finding self-love throughout the process.

Love the body and life you have, and you will have the body and life you love.

Jen Oliver

Resources: The Love Fit Mama Way: Transforming the Core of Motherhood

5. Self-love is the glue that puts us back together. | Shocka | TEDxLondon

In this video, Shocka remembers the year he lost what meant the most to him. It was tough for him to bounce back from his setback. He decided that enough was enough and did the work. So the message is, do the work and do what it takes to improve your life. Step by step, day by day!

You can’t love the world if you don’t love yourself first.


6. Love Yourself | Shasparay Lighteard | TEDxYouth@Austin

In this video, Shasparay shows that she will not be silenced. She will speak with a purpose and for a purpose. You are beautiful regardless of your skin’s size, age, or color. Love yourself and never take yourself for granted. Let your voice be heard because it matters.

I am beautiful without your buts behind it.

Shasparay Lighteard

Resources: Say It With Your Chest

7. Say Yes To You: A Guide To Self-Love|Lily Zhao|TedxKerrisdale Women

In this video, Lily says don’t wait until tomorrow or next week; say yes to you now! Stop being a people pleaser! Make it an obligation to fulfill your needs before serving others properly.

Your greatest responsibility of self-love is to know that you are enough.

Lily Zhao

8. The Achievability of Self-Love |Katrina Pace|TedxMoreauCatholicHS

In this video, Katrina discusses the realization that self-love is achievable. It’s not based on social media and the perception that you’re perfect and have your life together because it is a facade. Happiness comes from within and starts in the mind and not the body. Watch for more!

To have self-love means to have high regard for your wellbeing and happiness.


9. Self-love is the Basis of Success.| Tani Padala| TedxYouth@Southlake

In this video, Tani states don’t count yourself out. When you achieve phenomenal goals and accomplishments, just because you’re not perfect doesn’t mean it isn’t a success. Celebrate your small wins.

Self-love means having success.

Tani Padala

10. Self-Love as the Key to Inclusion|Mylira Green| TedxMellenStreet

In this video, Mylira expressed you have something to give to others that will help them continue pushing on and living their dreams. There is no inclusion without you. A wise woman once said your breakthrough is somebody’s come through. Watch for more!

You are enough, you have enough, and you have done enough.

Mylira Green

11. Cultivating Unconditional Self-Worth| Asia Gooden| TedxDePaul University

In this video, Asia reminds you to love and embrace yourself through hard times and challenges. Our worthiness isn’t predicated on outside sources but on the unconditional love/beliefs that we have and show ourselves. Watch for more!

You are worthy just the way you are!

Asia Gooden

12. Why Self-Love Isn’t Selfish|Blanka Bochenek| TedxYouth@2Slo

In this video, Blanka emphasizes that you tell yourself who you are, not others. Pour into your cup and feed your mind, body, and soul with love. There is nothing more powerful than a person who loves themselves. Watch for more!

You can only give love when you love yourself first because love creates more love.

Blanka Bochenek

Whether you are thinking about committing/challenging yourself to a 30 day self love journey or if you want a resource to help you continue your self-love journey, check out my self-love & self-care journal, “I’m My Own Cup of Tea.”

I’m My Own Cup of Tea is a fun-loving journal & workbook that focuses on appreciating and loving oneself. This journal includes engaging activities to help you discover what makes you set apart. There is no need for comparisons because you are one of one. Have fun, and don’t take yourself too seriously. The most important message from this journal is that you don’t have time to consume everybody else’s tea. The tea that you have is just the right sip for you.

This journal includes:

  • 30 Self-Love/Self-Care Quotes
  • 2 Daily Assignments
  • 15 Writing Entries
  • 15 Self-Love/Self-Care Activities

Journal Measurements: 7 x 10 inches 178 pages

Get your copy of this journal/workbook and a drink, preferably a tea, and let’s start becoming the best version of ourselves.

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