King Richard: The Plan For Success

Written by Iesha Renee’

Before Venus and Serena Williams were born, Mr. Richard had the plan for success written up for them already. He had a vision and the faith behind it to make it happen, even though he was still determining the route of how to get to the destination. Quick question? Do you have a plan for success in your life? Or are you just going with the flow, wishing and hoping for a better life? Here are 8 life lessons that will help you plan for success in your life and accomplish the dreams that are awaiting you.


If you are like me, you love a good movie, especially if it has a great storyline or a plot twist. Films such as King Richard are timeless because they offer value and entertainment. Watching this movie will leave you inspired, knowing that your dreams are achievable. Continue reading to see how these lessons can help transform your life.

This post is about the plan for success that Richard Williams had for his champions, Venus & Serena Williams.

8 Life Lessons to Plan for Success

plan for success prepare for failure

1. Write the Vision

Habakkuk 2:2 states, write the vision and make it plain, so he may run who reads it. Richard Williams had a vision for Venus and Serena.

 He knew he wanted his minority daughters to play in a predominantly white sport so that they would shake up the world as they have. This vision would then give hope to other minority kids pursuing their dreams. Representation is everything. If kids can’t see themselves in who they look up to, then the dream seems impossible.

So, what is your vision?

You have to get crystal clear on what you want for your life. What goals do you have set for yourself? Where do you see yourself in years to come? What legacy of your own do you want to leave behind? 

Where there is no vision, the people perish.

–Proverbs 29:18

What are some steps to writing the vision and making it plain?

  1. Designate a quiet place to sit and write.
  2. Be intentional about blocking off time so you are committed to the process.
  3. Dream big, then write down the specifics of that dream. There is nothing off limits for you because you serve a limitless God.
  4. Pray over your vision. Take it to God. Jeremiah 29:11 states: For he knows the plans he has for you. Plans to prosper and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future.
  5. No matter what, keep the vision in front of you.
  6. Execute

Nothing comes to a sleeper but a dream.

-Serena wlliams

2. Education Is Key

Mr. Williams always emphasized that education was most important. No matter where they traveled, they had to have schooling. He knew that knowledge was power and would take them farther than anything else.

Fun Fact: Serena and Venus are fluent in 4 different languages.

3. Plan Your Day the Night Before

Do you plan to succeed or plan to fail? If you plan to succeed, you know that planning the night before will put you ahead of the game. When you have clarity on your assignment for the day, it makes it easier for you to execute and keep you in alignment.

Mr. Williams knew that if his daughters wanted to be the best, they had to be focused and intentional with each day. Keep a sticky note or journal nearby to jot down what you must do to keep up with your goals.

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.

benjamin franklin

4. Speak Over Your Life

I truly admired Mr. Richard Williams because he always spoke life into his girls and reminded them of who they were so they would know it for themselves. Constantly, throughout the movie, positive affirmations and declarations were being spoken. Speaking life over yourself daily and your situation is always important.

It builds and boosts your self-esteem and confidence, which helps you become secure in yourself. If you don’t, the world doesn’t have a problem doing it for you. When the time came for Venus and Serena to dominate in their field, they had the confidence in knowing they could compete with and defeat the opponent.

5. Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork

Throughout the movie, it’s evident that Mr. Richard Williams is the primary motivating force behind the greatness of Venus and Serena’s success; however, he does not accomplish it alone. Oracene, the girl’s mother, also played a pivotal role in their career. She coached the girls and ran drills, but she also knew how to be encouraging and a shoulder to cry on as their mother. 

Let’s not forget the coaches who took a risk on Mr. William’s family and sacrificed their time, not knowing if the vision Richard had would pay off.

As you can see, behind every successful person is a tribe that contributes and cheers them on. The same goes for you; you will need people to help support you in whatever endeavor you decide to partake in.

Always remember that teamwork makes the dream work. Don’t try to do it alone when you have those willing to assist you or find the people who can.

 6. Be Humble

In this film, Mr. Williams clarifies that he doesn’t tolerate bragging. Using Cinderella as an example, he stated, “You have to have a pure heart and stay calm in the face of adversity.”

Yes, it’s great to have accomplishments/wins and celebratory moments; however, continue to clothe yourself in humility because everything could be gone in the blink of an eye. Never bring yourself up by tearing someone else down.

7. Document Your Life Experiences

Documenting your life helps you preserve your memories and share your experiences with others. Richard Williams recorded the girls’ audition tapes and even their practices. The girls had to prove themselves before finding a manager or being acknowledged. With his recordings, he could show the right people how skilled his daughters were, or else they would have to call his bluff.

So you see that documenting your life can benefit you and your family. Future generations will know where the groundwork started based on the documentation showing how you built the legacy you have today. They will then know the possibilities that can arise when you unlock your success.

8. Never Settle For Less

As the film shows, Richard Williams and his family grew up in Compton, California. According to Neighborhood Scout, Compton has the highest crime rate in America, with a crime rate of 38 per 1,000 residents.

Even though the family didn’t grow up in the best neighborhood, Mr. Williams never let his poverty-stricken environment keep him from having million-dollar dreams. He used what he had, such as the community tennis court, to train with the girls.

 With determination and finesse, Richard would place his girls in the most elite tennis training establishments money could buy, even though they didn’t have the money to afford them.

He instilled hope in the girls despite their circumstances, reminding them they could have it all and to never settle for less.

Mr. Williams had crazy faith, and that’s an excellent example for all of us to replicate, but it’s pointless if you don’t add the works behind it. James 2:14 states, “Faith without works is dead.” 

At the movie’s end, Nike wanted Venus to sign a 2 million dollar contract upfront, or the deal was off the table the same night. Having supportive parents, Venus could decide solely on her terms.

The most strongest, the most powerful, the most dangerous creature on this whole earth is a woman who knows how to think. Ain’t nothing she can’t do.


She decided to decline the offer. Knowing her worth, Venus Williams signed a 12 million dollar contract with Reebok at 15. This opportunity would change Venus and her family’s life forever, all because she didn’t compromise. 

Nearly everything Richard planned for his girls in Compton came true.

Here’s how….

King Richard Williams had a plan for success for his girls and never stopped pursuing it.

The principle of never settling for less is one that we, too, should live by for our lives. You shouldn’t allow anyone to make you feel bad or crazy for wanting a better life for you and your family.

You deserve to live like heaven on earth. People may not understand your vision and doubt what you know God has shown you, but that’s okay because it wasn’t for them to see anyway. 

You don’t have to make people see what you see. Your vision is yours for a reason.


 In Conclusion

Richard Williams was indeed the King in his household. He made sure his wife and girls were protected and provided for. Regardless of the girls’ success, Richard prioritized respect, family, patience, and school work.

  As you can see, he never gave up, even though he had to face adversity. If you keep that same tenacity as he did, you have no choice but to unlock the success inside of you.

You are destined to be great and have many accomplishments; you must plan for success and execute the vision accordingly. King Richard is an Oscar award-winning film, and if you have yet to watch it, please do so. There is so much wisdom and knowledge to grab.

This post was about Mr. Richard Williams and the plan for success that he created for his daughters’ lives.

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