How To Keep Moving Forward In An Uncomfortable Season Of Your Life

Do you know how to keep moving forward through an uncomfortable season of your life? Why, you may ask? Sometimes in life, we will face problems. In the grand scheme of things, the focus should not be on the situation but on how you handle the situation.

Being in an awkward season is not fun, but you can push through no matter how unbearable the fight may feel.

How To Keep Moving Forward In An Uncomfortable Season of Your Life

If you need help and feel like you have lost hope, I pray that this post gives you the motivation to move forward in life despite the circumstances.

This post is about how to keep moving forward in an uncomfortable season of your life.

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How To Move Forward When You Feel Stuck and Uneasy

Intimacy With God

What does it mean to have intimacy with God?

Having intimacy with God is having a close relationship and bond with him. You are spending time in His presence and seeking Him daily. 

How do you grow intimacy with God?

Here are four ways for you to know God on a more intimate level:

1. Reading the Bible

Spending time in your Bible daily helps you understand who God is. See it like this: you receive a handbook from work explaining everything they expect of you and how you should operate within their company.

The Bible is the same; it’s our loving handbook on how God expects us to steward our lives with the laws and instructions he has given us through his parables and prophets. You will learn how sweet and compassionate God is, but on the other hand, you will see his wrath when you disobey his word.

Today, read the word for yourself and better understand who God is.

keep moving forward meaning
2. Prayer

Prayer is a great way to have intimacy with God. It’s a one-on-one conversation just between you and him. You don’t have to worry about him telling anyone else; your secrets are safe with him.

The most beautiful part about prayer is that God is always ready to listen. There is no reason to be uncomfortable because he knows everything; just be yourself.

With prayer, talk to God and be prepared to listen to him to receive the answers to what you are praying for. Don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t happen now; God is always on time.

3. Fasting 

Fasting is another way to be intimate with God. I will not lie and tell you that fasting is easy because it can be challenging but rewarding. If you are unfamiliar with fasting, fasting is when you abstain from something, such as food, for a specific time. You can fast from other things as well, such as social media.

During fasting, you are humbling your flesh and seeking God more than ever. Through fasting, God can work miracles and wonders through your obedience. God is pleased when he sees us sacrifice to become closer and one with him.

* When it comes to fasting, seek God for instructions. Don’t just jump in and not understand what God wants you to do because it can be dangerous, especially if you have health problems. Please seek your physician’s advice if it is safe to do so.* Ultimately, in all things, give God the glory. 

 So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

4. Praise and Worship

Praise and worship are the last ways I want to share how to be more intimate with God. Praising and worshiping God puts you in a better mood in all areas of your life and gives God honor and glory

. You can deeply feel God’s presence in praise and worship. Find a great worship song and allow the Holy Spirit to move through you. It is an experience like no other.

Since you know the four ways to help you get closer to God, you may want to understand their benefits.

Benefits of Intimacy with God

You have a Father that is loving, compassionate, and always there. God will give you the desires of your heart if it aligns with the plans He has for you.

There is so much that God can do that surpasses all our understanding. Let’s not forget he will also discipline you and let you know when you are wrong, just like a parent should.

God is a provider, protector, and healer. I can continue with how wonderful God is for days, but you get where I’m going with this. Choose God because he has already chosen you, and he loves you.

Read Inspirational Devotionals Daily

If you want to learn how to keep moving forward in discomfort, you must find ways to uplift your spirit. Reading inspirational devotionals every day will do just that. If you are going to occupy your time, it’s best to do it with things that will enhance your mood and not drag you down further than where you were. I have two devotionals below that I would love for you to read.

Awaken:  90 Days with the God Who Speaks by Priscilla Shirer

In this devotional, I love how she uses her real-life situations to help you understand how God speaks to you. A great read!

Quiet Times With God Devotional by Joyce Meyer

In this devotional, I love how she gives you devotionals that help encourage you to be in a quiet place with God and unplug. A great read as well!

If you are like me, you need daily encouragement to keep you in a positive headspace. These devotionals will do just that.                                                    

Write in a Prayer Journal

A prayer journal is a type of journal where you write your prayer request to God. The primary focus of this journal is to connect through prayer, but it isn’t just limited to it. Bare it all to God; as you do that, you will notice how freer you feel afterward.

*If you want a prayer journal that will give you hope and encouragement, this is the prayer journal for you! Things Can Shift In A Day! It will greatly help you keep moving forward in an uncomfortable season of your life.*

This journal aims to give you hope and joy and to encourage you to keep your faith. The thirty miracles in this prayer journal show you there is no limit to what Jesus can do. Your life can shift at any moment. Don’t be afraid to write your prayer request and be honest with God about your circumstances. You are not limited to only prayer requests. This journal is a safe space to transfer everything from your mind and heart to the paper.

how to keep moving forward in an uncomfortable season of your life
how to keep moving forward in an uncomfortable season of your life

Write your goals and dreams down and visualize your life outside of the pain that you’re going through. Your situation is only temporary.

There is a  prayer journal for women that I love to use in my personal life. This journal has helped me on how to keep moving forward in uncomfortable seasons, and it can also assist you. It enables you to learn scriptures in the Bible and can be an excellent devotional for you to use daily.

Prayer Journal for Women: 52-Week Scripture, Devotional & Guided Prayer Journal

keep moving forward meaning

Chat With Friends

We all have that friend tribe that we can go to for everything.

You may have a friend who listens and lets you let off steam; you may have a friend who pours into you and encourages you. You may also have a friend who will come over to eat ice cream and binge-watch movies with you so that your mind is off the situation.

No matter which friend it is, it’s always a blessing to chat with friends. You can share life experiences and advice on moving forward, no matter your circumstances.

The beauty in it all is that there is no room for judgment because everyone has been through their seasons of discomfort. 

Listen to Sermons

Sometimes, it takes more than Bible Study on Wednesdays and one sermon on Sunday to help you navigate the many obstacles in your life. You have to feed your spirit daily. If you require a pick me up, confirmation, and reassurance, sermons can be impactful. God can speak to us in numerous ways.

If God specifically speaks to you through videos, he can send that one video to make your life do a whole 360. Sermons are powerful, and I encourage you to watch one every day to continue to feed your soul.

Be mindful of who you listen to because everybody doesn’t deserve your ear. Many people are false prophets and use the name of Jesus to try to manipulate his people. Ask God for wisdom and discernment in that area of your life.

Jeremiah 14:14

Be Intentional With Your Words

As I stated in my previous post, you must speak life over yourself and your situation. If your problems are uncomfortable, why would you add more fuel to the fire by speaking negatively?

Make it your business to set the tone for the day. Start by giving thanks to God for blessing you with another 24 hours; recite your affirmations; read your word and daily inspirational devotions. It’s up to you how your day will flow.

Speak life based on what you want and not what you see. Have faith like the size of a mustard seed. All in all, be nice to yourself and give yourself some grace; you deserve that.  

He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.

Matthew 17:20

In Conclusion

Some situations in life seem unbearable to overcome. However, if you focus on Intimacy With God, Reading Inspirational Devotionals Daily, Writing in a Prayer Journal, Chatting with Friends, Listening to Sermons, and Being intentional with your Words. You demonstrate how to keep moving forward in an uncomfortable season of your life.

This post was about how to keep moving forward in an uncomfortable season of your life.

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